Moment Video Recording

Moment Video Recording

Moment Video Recording Upgrade Launch

Check what you've missed

Records videos up to 60 days when motion and ring call detected, check what you've missed through a detailed video at any time.

Subscribe From $1.99/Mo

Birdfy Cameras

$8.99 $8.99
DeviceAll1Up to 2 devices 
Up to 5 devices
Up to 10 devices
Video Retention30 Days30 Days30 days 
60 Days60 Days
Video LengthUp to 20sUp to 30sUp to 30sUp to 30sUp to 30s
Least Cool Down Time0 Mins0 Mins0 Mins0 Mins0 Mins

Moment Notification

Get alerted immediately

When motion/ring call detected, you will get a notification from Netvue App immediately.

  • Burglaries or Break-Ins
  • Family members arrive home
  • Delivery or visitors

Moment List

Video history up to 60 days

Scroll through your timeline to view the moments you missed throughout the day.

Video Saving and Sharing

Keep enjoying with your family and friends

Share the captured footage with your family and friends, as well as post it on social media to engage with more bird enthusiasts and enjoy watching adorable birds together.

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