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Birdfy Feeder Cloud Service: EVR vs. CVR

What are EVR and CVR?
Continuous Video Recording (CVR)
  • Definition: CVR is the non-stop recording of video, ensuring that every moment is captured without interruption.
  • Ideal for: This service is typically used with devices that are connected to a power source (non-battery operated).
Event Video Recording (EVR)
  • Definition: EVR only records video when specific events are detected, which helps save storage space and makes it easier to find significant incidents.
  • Service Type: This is the type of service provided by Birdfy under its cloud offerings.
Applicable Products
As Birdfy provides EVR service, only products compatible with EVR logic can apply for this service:
  1. Products: Includes Birdfy feeder, Birdfy feeder bamboo, Birdfy cam, and Birdfy Hum Feeder.
    1. Users of these products can change the recording logic and extend the storage duration and device sharing slots after purchasing the EVR service.
  2. Birdhouse Users:
    1. Cloud service might not be beneficial for these users.
Features of EVR Cloud Service
The EVR service is differentiated based on various factors. For more details, please see the picture below:
For more information, please check Birdfy’s official page.

Updated on 05 Jun 2024