How to Assemble and Clean Your Humme Extension

Table of Contents


    Step 1:

    To replace the original perch of the Birdfy Feeder, you should turn the white perch screw counter-clockwise to loosen its hold on the perch. Then, remove the perch from the feeder.

    Step 2:

    To install the Humme Extension onto the Birdfy Feeder base, you should align the hole on the inner side of the extension with the screw hole on the feeder base. Then, push the extension onto the base firmly until it clicks into place.

    Step 3:

    To remove the Humme Extension from the Birdfy Feeder base, you should lift the buckles on both ends of the extension and pull it out. This step allows you to disassemble the extension for cleaning, repairing, or storing it away when not in use.
    How to Assemble and Clean Your Humming Extension1
    How to Assemble and Clean Your Humming Extension2
    How to Assemble and Clean Your Humming Extension3
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